Ultra Pack
UltraComputing Partner Applications.iso
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36 lines
# #
# Copyright (c) 1996, Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation, Mountain View, CA #
# #
# All Rights Reserved #
# #
# Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation disclaims all warranties with #
# regard to this software, including all implied warranties of merchantability #
# and fitness. In no event will Sun Microsystems Inc., Sun Microsystems #
# Computer Corporation or any Sun Microsystems Inc. company, its employees #
# or agents be liable for direct, incidental or consequential damages #
# resulting from loss of data or business opportunities, resulting from the #
# Ultracomputing Demo CD, or any part of same, either alone or in conjunction #
# with other programs. #
# #
# The software contained on these discs is distributed as is, at no additional #
# charge. As such, it is excluded from any pre-existing customer service #
# or support agreements with Sun Microsystems. An email form is provided in #
# the main demo menu to direct comments, feedback and technical questions #
# relating strictly to Ultrapack, the demos and usage thereof. #
# #
# #
To run demo applications from the CD_ROM, type
% /cdrom/cdrom0/run_demo
Or from the filemgr, double click on the run_demo file
icon with the filemgr in the /cdrom/cdrom0 directory.
To install the demo package on your local system,
use the install link on the main demo page.
Ultra Pack Team, Spring '96